Hello everyone. My name is Katsuya Yasuda from Yasuda Consulting. I will introduce the seminars for local construction stores which we have given in Shiga Pref Japan.
This seminar was organized by the local commerce and industry association. With the declining population and sluggish housing demand, the aim of this seminar is to get hints for the development of marketing routes for local construction companies who can not find a good way to compete with large house maker companies. The title of the seminar is “Strategic Seminar on Regional Attachment of Construction Stores”. Many people who were tired of work participated and enthusiastically listened to my story.
The content on the first day is “Transmission of information: What is the best and only way to meet ideal customers?”
- What to send?
- Who is the target customer?
- Stick to customer’s point of view
On the second day, I talked with this title “Local Exchange: What is the ideal form to develop with the local community?
- Appearance of a construction shop prospering with the region
- Management philosophy and vision
- Where is the target customer?
- Think about event implementation
The common point is to “transmit values.” We asked everyone to think about various questions such as “What do you want to do through the housing construction industry?” “What is the company’s existential mean?” and “How about the human nature of management?” If the answer that came out leads to the happiness of the customer (owner), I explained that I would like you to carefully disseminate that.