
1.Start up manual for entrepreneur

This is my third book.Title is “Start up manual for entrepreneur.”

Amazon book page is here.(Japanese only)

2.The best recipe to make a company supreme

Through my work as a management consultant I have given advice to many executives. When a company is performing poorly, there are always underlying reasons. These reasons vary from company to company. When I looked into the causes, I found that there were ten main factors. I also found that companies that can clear all ten factors are more successful in business.

I have used this idea as the theme for many seminars in which I have lectured over the years. The audiences at these seminars usually seem very satisfied. In the questionnaires that they answer at the close of the event, they often write that my words help them to grasp the elements they need for management in an organized way. So to explain these contents carefully and in more detail, I thought it would be a good idea to produce a book based on the seminar contents. This is how I came to write the present book. This book has already been published in Japanese and now I am looking for a publisher to bring out an English language edition. I will present an outline of this book at the end of today’s talk, and anyone who is interested in it is welcome to contact me.

It is my sincere wish that many companies will practice and develop the ten points I have introduced in this book. I believe companies that operate based on these points will create more happiness not just for themselves but for everybody. Such companies consider and behave better in all respects. They formulate their management philosophy with a desire to pursue the happiness of their employees, customers and the local communities in which they operate. Moreover, they work to achieve a degree of sociality that expands their perspective on social matters. I find it exciting simply to imagine such companies.

We all want to see a world in which all people can live happily without exception, and in which the children who will grow into the next generation of adults are always smiling. In order to realize such a world, I hope your company will grow by practicing these ten points. At the same time, I hope the executives who take this book into their hands will be happy as well. These are the wishes I have put into this book.

Now, let me explain each of the ten points briefly. Please look at the following picturePicture1.

The points are numbered 1 through 10 in the list below. Please take a look at them.

1 Management philosophy The actual purpose underlying why a company operates
2 Vision The best possible future in which the company’s entire staff shine
3 Advantages Items the company needs to possess in order to move towards the future
4 Foresight Knowledge of the world in order to make the best possible use of the company’s advantages
5 Management policy A secure pathway leading into the future
6 Management planning An actual plan established by working backwards from the future
7 Managing The actual role that managers should play
8 Organization The formation of the strongest team to secure the best possible future
9 Motivation Encouragement aimed at creating a vigorous company
10 Sociality The relationship between the company and society

First of all, imagine a very high mountain.

When you climb this mountain, you will find a world in which everyone can be happy stretching out before you. The company’s employees, its customers, local residents and everybody else are all smiling. And you yourselves are overjoyed at this prospect. This world you are aiming at by climbing to the summit of the mountain is what I call the “management philosophy”.

However, the mountaintop is covered in clouds, so it is difficult to see clearly. Your employees who are climbing the mountain with you may lose heart because the mountaintop is so far away. So you encourage them by saying, “Let’s tentatively attempt to climb up to the 5th station. At the 5th station there is a rest area. We can drink the delicious spring water there and we can eat our lunch together there and take a rest.” This is what I call the “vision”. It is a target at which everyone can aim. It should also be a shining target, so everybody will want to start moving in order that they can get there quickly.

When you set off, an executive of your company says, “How can we get to the 5th station? In the company we have cars, bicycles, and even helicopters.” Then another executive says, “But can a helicopter land at the 5th station? And even if we go by car, I hope the road will not be blocked by a mudslide.” All this second executive does is worry. So you ask this person, “Check whether there is a helipad at the 5th station and also check whether or not there are any mudslides blocking the road.” The helicopters and the cars are among the company’s “advantages”. Discerning ahead of time the presence or absence of a helipad or mudslides are examples of “foresight”.

A little while later, the second executive returns and tells you, “There is no helipad but fortunately there are also no mudslides.” So you decide, “OK, let’s go by car!” This is the “management policy”.

After it has been decided that everybody will travel to the 5th station by car, an employee who is well informed about the state of the road says, “About 100 kilometers along the road, there is a gas station where we can fill up the tanks of our cars with gasoline. Also, there is a restroom there that we can use. If we can reach this gas station by 15:00, we will be able to reach the 5th station by early evening. According to this schedule, we need to finish our preparations and be ready to start our journey by 13:00.” This is the “management plan”.

Because as the manager, you have told your employees about how pleasant the view is from the 5th station, all the employees are now lively and enthusiastic. As they work towards the departure, their solidarity becomes stronger too. Laying out a “vision” for the employees is an important part of a manager’s work.

At the time of departure, you need to divide the employees into several cars. What is the best seating arrangement? Thinking about this question is the task of “organization”. You want everybody to work towards the same goal pleasantly and positively. So you consider ways of encouraging them in order to achieve this desired result. This is known as giving them “motivation”.

At last, you are ready to set off on the journey. There are a lot of cars available, but you decide to use hybrid cars, which exhibit good fuel efficiency and emit less exhaust gas. You take care on the journey so that you bring back all of your garbage and you don’t cause any damage to the trees on the mountainside. Then, when you see a person in distress by the roadside, you call out to them, “Do you need a ride?”

In ways such as this, you consider and behave so that everybody, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the company, can become happy and remain happy. This is “sociality”.

In the book, I explain these ten points in detail. A company that can combine all of these points will become supreme. What is supreme? When you, as a manager, look around you, the company’s employees, customers, local residents, and essentially all the people around you are smiling and happy. My dream is to publish an English edition of this book because I would like to increase the number of companies around the world that are supreme. To this end, I am waiting for contact from publishers who can cooperate with me in making this dream real.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Amazon book page is here.(Japanese only)

3.Strategic Accounting Man Training Course

This is my first book. Title is “Strategic Accounting Man Training Course.”

I write about basic accounting, strategy of management and so on.

Amazon book page is here.(Japanese only)