Hello. I am Katsuya Yasuda from Yasuda Consulting. Today, I will introduce the seminar about the construction business management which I have given at the Kagoshima Chamber of Commerce and Industry on February 6.
I have given the lecture for entrepreneurs at this Chamber of Commerce and Industry before. The stuff was satisfied with my lecture and asked me for the seminar of construction industry a few months ago.
Many people attended the seminar. it has only 90 minutes and included following 10 topics. I should keep talking all the time.
- Necessity of management philosophy
- Vision as the passing point of pursuit of ideals
- Companies’ strengths needed to reach a vision
- Environmental analysis to take advantage of strengths
- Management strategy for reaching vision
- Planning based on management strategy
- Management’s role
- Organizations that motivate employees
- Motivation
- Sociality to consider the significance of existence of a company
These 10 points make a company supreme. But such company doesn’t put the most importance on sales or profits.
How many customers became happy?
And how happy are the employees feeling in providing their products and services?
These 2 factors are the most important for supreme company. Businesses that make customers and employees happy flourish. It will lead to the prosperity of the region.